Net Metering Solar Installation
Net metering is a billing system that enables individuals who produce their own electricity, often from renewable sources like solar panels, to send surplus energy back to the grid. Homeowners receive credits for this excess energy, which can be used to reduce their electricity bills during periods of low solar production. Here are the main benefits of net metering programs:
Financial Savings for Consumers
Reduced Electricity Bills: Lower monthly expenses by generating your own power.
Credits for Excess GenerationEarn credits for surplus energy sent back to the grid.
Environmental Benefits
Reduced Carbon Footprint: Decreases greenhouse gas emissions.
Promotes Clean Energy Growth: Supports the expansion of renewable energy sources.
Encourages Renewable Energy Adoption
Makes Solar More Affordable: Incentivizes investment in solar technology.
Energy Independence: Reduces reliance on traditional energy sources.
Long-Term Energy Cost Stability
Protection Against Rising Utility Rates: Shields consumers from fluctuating energy prices.
Enhanced Property Value: Increases the value of homes with solar installations.
Net metering creates a win-win situation for consumers, the environment, and the energy grid, providing financial, ecological, and social advantages.
Starting At-
489 kWh avg usage
100% Energy Offset
Complete Ownership
Includes Installation
6.4 kW
Starting At-
611 kWh avg usage
100% Energy Offset
Complete Ownership
Includes Installation
7.7 kW
Starting At-
733 kWh avg usage
100% Energy Offset
Complete Ownership
Includes Installation
9.8 kW
Starting At-
937 kWh avg usage
100% Energy Offset
Complete Ownership
Includes Installation
Starting At-
1238 kWh avg usage
100% Energy Offset
Complete Ownership
Includes Installation
17 kW
Starting At-
1629 kWh avg usage
100% Energy Offset
Complete Ownership
Includes Installation